“REAGRO” information system

“REAGRO” information system

As we mentioned earlier, the advantage of the Reagro information system is to objectively help you make the right decisions for yourself by evaluating and ranking clusters in agriculture, objectively comparing and contrasting them.
“REAGRO” information system

“REAGRO” information system

Clusters play a key role in the development of the agro-industrial complex in agriculture, as they are interconnected and interdependent groups of companies, farms, research centers, suppliers and other actors. lib, concentrated in a specific geographic area and linked by common goals and specializations. Taking into account the above, the development of a cluster assessment and rating system in agriculture will help to create a unified assessment system, which will allow for an objective comparison and rating of clusters based on established criteria and methodologies.
The unified information system “Agrosubsidya” is aimed at subsidizing agricultural producers!

The unified information system “Agrosubsidya” is aimed at subsidizing agricultural producers!

As a result of the phased implementation of system modules, it became possible for farmers to receive 19 types of 35 different court cases in several areas, as well as control their intended use. Subsidies are allocated by the state for the purchase of agricultural machinery, the use of water-saving technologies, the creation of vineyards and the creation of intensive gardens.
“E-IJARA” automated information system!

“E-IJARA” automated information system!

"E-IJARA" is an automated system designed to collect, review and negotiate with competent authorities and organizations on the leasing of agricultural land plots of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan. the information system was developed and is effectively used in practice to release the lots on the electronic trading platform "E-AUKSION" for the purpose of holding open electronic contests, as well as to assist in the formalization of the rights and documents of the winners in the relevant offices.
“High recognition: mature professionals awarded”

“High recognition: mature professionals awarded”

Mamlakatimizda agrar, oziq-ovqat xavfsizligi, axolining dasturxonini sifatli oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari bilan taʼminlash sohasiga qaratilayotgan eʼtibor eng dolzarb va doimiy rivojlantirilib borilayotgan jabhalar sarasiga kiritilgan. Shu bois, yurtimiz Qishloq xoʻjaligi sohasi, jabha vakillarining ahamiyati, ular tomonidan amalga oshirilayotgan ishlarning ahamiyati xam axolining keng qatlamlari orasida alohida eʼtirofga sazovor boʻlmoqda.
December 8 – the day of adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan History of creation of our constitution

December 8 – the day of adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan History of creation of our constitution

Constitution (Latin "Constitution" - structure, arrangement) - the Basic law of the state. It defines the structure of the state, the system of power and management bodies, their authority and the order of their formation, the electoral system, the rights and freedoms of citizens, the relationship between society and the individual, as well as the judicial system and the relationship between the state and society.
A preventive event was held as part of “Fire Safety Month”.

A preventive event was held as part of “Fire Safety Month”.

As we all know, "Fire Safety Month" has been announced in our republic from November 15 to December 15, 2023. Fires, gas and air mixtures that may occur in high-rise residential buildings, social sector facilities, public institutions and production industries and enterprises with the participation of citizens and the general public will be investigated by experts in this month. Various meetings, seminars, roundtable discussions and fire-tactical training exercises and trainings aimed at preventing lightning, gas poisoning and other emergency situations of our citizens are being held effectively.