A press conference was held within the framework of digitalization of agro-industry

A press conference was held within the framework of digitalization of agro-industry

On December 28, 2021, a conference-presentation was held at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the participation of representatives of the agro-industrial complex and mass media. At the event, 10 information systems and platforms created within the framework of programs for rapid digitalization of the agricultural network were presented. The meeting was opened by the deputy minister of agriculture for digitization of the agro-industrial complex, Kharamon Yuldashev, and the deputy minister for rational land use, Maqsud Ruzmetov.

According to the Decree of the head of our state “On the approval of the strategy “Digital Uzbekistan – 2030″ and measures for its effective implementation”, the implementation of several dozen projects aimed at the development of agro-industry is defined. On this basis, the best technical solutions are being used, including consulting and financial support from the European Union and the World Bank, to study the leading foreign experience in carrying out the digitalization tasks and tasks in a rapid manner. Deputy Minister Kahramon Yuldashev.

As in the whole world, complex measures are being implemented in Uzbekistan to actively develop the digital economy, as well as to widely introduce modern information and communication technologies in agriculture.

In particular, in December 2020, the “Smart Agriculture Technology Development Strategy” and “Measures for 2021-2023 Implementation of the Smart Agriculture Technology Development Strategy” were approved. it includes four main directions:

digitization of agriculture;
automation of management processes, monitoring;
support of business start-up projects in the agricultural sector;
accounting for water resources.

At the same time, within the central apparatus of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Department for the Development of Digital Technologies in the Agrarian Sector and the State Institution “Center for the Digitization of the Agro-Industrial Complex” were established. is responsible for implementing digital solutions that help control and support security, water management, government support and subsidies, and preferential financing of modern information technology and software products.

“By the end of this year, 5 information systems will be launched by the Center for Digitization of Agro-industry under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In particular, the “E-LEASE SELECTION” system for allocating agricultural land, the geo-information system based on the ArcGIS software product, the unified information system “Subsidizing agricultural producers”, the accounting system for imported agricultural machinery and the updated official website of the Ministry of Agriculture, said Saidagzam Alimov, Director of the Center for Digitization of Agro-Industry under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan. – It is also planned to launch 5 more electronic systems in 2022-2023. That is, Agroplatforma AT, electronic agro-industry trade portal “Marketplace”, “Smart campus” project to be introduced at Tashkent State Agrarian University, “Rubicon” water resources management system, consists of more than 150 types of interactive services and services that are the basis for creating an ecosystem for farmers. Digital agriculture” ASM single integration platform. The introduction of these innovative solutions will facilitate and diversify business activities in ASM, facilitate the exchange of documents and have interactive services, increase the transparency of processes in the agricultural sector, and most importantly, improve the results of efficiency in the ASM system.”

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