Exchange of experience and knowledge in the digitalization center of the Ministry of Agriculture

Exchange of experience and knowledge in the digitalization center of the Ministry of Agriculture

The Digitalization Center under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan turns two years old in March. The main activities of the Center are:

  • land administration
  • water resources management
  • financial block
  • investment block
  • scientific block (methodology)
  • educational block
  • control and monitoring of food security.

As part of the implementation of joint investment projects in the field of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) and an increase in the turnover of agricultural products between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2023-2025. a meeting was held at the Center for Digitalization of the Agro-Industrial Complex under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Director of the Center for Digitalization of the Agro-Industrial Complex under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan Saidagzam Alimov told his colleague from the Kyrgyz Republic Kodyrbek Burabaev, Director of the State Enterprise Center for Digitalization and Marketing “Agro Smart” under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic, told about the activities of the Center.

Thus, on the example of a pilot project in the Fergana region, the operation of the Geoportal platform developed by the Center was demonstrated. It clearly shows all the data on land (irrigated and non-irrigated), water resources, systems for monitoring and placement of crops, etc. Geoportal is a software and technological support for working with spatial data.

Its main task is to provide tools and services for storing and cataloging, publishing and downloading spatial (geographical) data, searching and filtering by metadata, interactive web visualization, direct access to geodata based on cartographic web services. The platform is filled using satellite images. In the future, similar projects are planned to be developed throughout Uzbekistan.

In addition, cartographic and multispectral drones equipped with special cameras are currently being purchased. Drone data allows you to collect a large amount of information about the light absorbed by plants and reflected from them. Based on the data obtained, a conclusion is made about the state of the landings. This in turn provides an innovative approach to farming, as well as point farming.

Saidagzam Alimov also shared his plans for the future, that the Center plans to use artificial intelligence (AI) for information processing. The integration of AI into mechanisms and systems will automate routine, labor-intensive or complex processes, including increasing their accuracy and productivity.


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