November 18 – the day of adoption of the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan!

November 18 – the day of adoption of the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan!

We want the flag of every country that has gained its independence to fly triumphantly on the square of the headquarters of the United Nations. Because this is a confirmation that he has his place in the world, his voice, and the recognition of his independence.

Exactly 32 years ago, the national flag of the peaceful, free and prosperous country called Uzbekistan, modeled after mother nature, was adopted. Since then, this sacred flower is raised high on the highest stages, on the highest goals, in triumphant hands, and the noise is rubbed into the eyes and pressed to the lips with pleasure.

Today, this flag is not only the state symbol of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it has become a symbol of peace and harmony of all people born in this country and living on the love of this land, a tool that brings hearts closer to hearts and connects hearts to hearts. No matter where you are in the world, this flag makes the motherland breathe and reminds you of the dear Motherland.

Employees of the “Agroindustry Digitization Center” warmly congratulate all our compatriots on this date. May the peace and tranquility of our motherland never leave us, may our flag fly high and show the honor and glory of the heavenly country called Uzbekistan!

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