The world’s first artificial energy island

The world’s first artificial energy island

In order to achieve energy independence and abandon fossil fuels, the EU countries aim to produce 300 GW of offshore wind power by 2050. The Elizabeth Island project will connect North Sea wind farms to the mainland.

The world’s first man-made energy storage island captures energy from wind turbines via an undersea cable and converts it into high-voltage electricity.

The outer perimeter of the future island will be built from concrete structures on the ocean floor. The interior will be filled with sand, and the entire infrastructure will be built on top of it. A high wall protects the island from wind, rain and waves. Once the foundations of the island are ready, they will start building a small port and a helipad, and then the most important thing – electrical infrastructure, including alternating current substations.

In 2030, the island is expected to be fully connected to all wind farms and land.

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