“Agrosubsidiya” Information System

“Agroplatforma” axborot tizimi
The unified information system “Agrosubsidia”, developed by specialists from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the subordinate state institution “Center for Digitalization of the Agro-Industrial Complex”, was launched in test mode. Agricultural producers can now electronically apply for subsidies related to the introduction of water-saving technologies in agriculture. The system is available at www.agrosubsidiya.uz, a special telegram bot has been created for its constant support: t.me/agrosubsidiya_support. Also, specialists from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan are currently traveling to the regions of the republic to demonstrate the system on the ground and teach how to use it correctly. The unified information system for the provision of subsidies was developed in pursuance of Presidential Decree No. PP-144 dated March 1, 2022 “On measures to further accelerate the introduction of water-saving technologies in agriculture.” The system allows you to quickly collect and review materials and documents on subsidizing agricultural producers by the Ministry of Agriculture, as well as coordinate them with the competent authorities and organizations. Initiators interested in attracting water-saving technologies to the industry can apply for a subsidy through the system in the following areas: Subsidies from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan to cover part of the costs: — on the introduction of water-saving technologies for grain crops; — on the introduction of water-saving technologies for vegetable crops; – on the introduction of water-saving technologies for potatoes; — on the introduction of water-saving technologies for melons and gourds; — on the introduction of water-saving technologies for fodder crops; — on the introduction of water-saving technologies for oilseeds; — on the introduction of water-saving technologies for legumes; — on the introduction of water-saving technologies for industrial crops; — on the introduction of water-saving technologies for medicinal plants; – land leveling using laser equipment. Subsidy from the Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan: to cover part of the costs of introducing water-saving technologies for growing raw cotton. Subsidies from the Council of Farmers, Dekhkan Farms and Owners of Household Lands of Uzbekistan: to put into use each hectare of land not used in agriculture; for drilling and putting into operation each vertical well with a depth of more than 10 meters for irrigation of household plots of the population; for drilling and commissioning of a vertical well for irrigation of household lands by at least 30 owners. Subsidies from the Horticulture and Greenhouse Development Agency to cover part of the costs of introducing water-saving technologies:
  • for growing stone fruits;
  • for growing nut
  • fruits;for growing seed fruits;
  • for growing subtropical fruits;
  • for growing grapes.
  • It should be noted that applications for subsidies through the EIS “Agrosubsidy” are submitted in accordance with the regulations approved by the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 24, 2020 No. 109 and dated February 23, 2021 No. 95.